The US-China Trade Negotiation: A Contract Theory Perspective
Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law
Personal Information Protection Law Workshop Series
講座(三): 中國網絡平台個人信息保護的監管
Supervision of Personal Information Protection on Chinese Online Platforms
2021年8月26日 12:30 - 13:45
August 26th, 2021, 12:30 - 13:45
Zoom to be conducted in Putonghua
從網絡安全法生效以來,中國有關主管監管部門對網絡平台個人信息保護開展了循序漸進的監管,例如2017年隱私條款專項行動,到2019持續至今違法違規收集使用個人信息的專項治理等。 預計隨著個人信息保護法的生效,更多的個人信息保護部門將會在各自的行業和領域開展監管,監管的關注點也將越來越多元。
Since the implementation of the Cybersecurity Law, China’s relevant supervisory bodies have carried out their supervision of personal information on platforms in a gradual manner from 2017 with the “Special Actions on Privacy Clauses” to the “Special Governance for the Collection and Use of Personal Information in Violation of Laws and Regulations” from 2019 up to today. It is expected that with the entry into force of the Personal Information Protection Law, more personal information protection departments will carry out supervision in their respective industries and fields, and the focus of supervision will become more and more diverse.
洪延青,北京理工大學法學院教授,全國信息安全技術標準化委員會委員。 畢業於荷蘭烏特勒支大學取得博士學位。 主要研究網絡領域中的個人權利保護、個人信息保護、數據跨境流動及關鍵信息基礎設施保護等網絡安全法律政策問題。 擔任全國信息安全標準化技術委員會重點標準制定項目《個人信息安全規範》《個人信息安全影響評估指南》的編製組組長。
Yanqing Hong
Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology, School of Law, and member of the National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee. Professor Hong obtained his doctorate from Utrecht University. His research mainly focuses on legal and policy issues around network security and the protection of human rights, the protection of personal information, the cross-border flow of data, and the protection of critical information infrastructure. Professor Hong has served as the leader of organizing committees responsible for key standard-setting projects at the behest of the National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee including the "Personal Information Security Specification" and "Personal Information Security Impact Assessment Guidelines".
長期從事互聯網法律與監管政策研究。 近年來,出版著作八部(其中專著2部,合著6部),發表論文、文章50餘篇。 近年來主要研究方向為個人信息保護、網絡信息安全、數據治理等法律政策。
Rong Wang
ChinaInfo100 Special Researcher
Ms Wang has been engaged in Internet law and regulatory policy research for a significant period of time. In recent years, she has published eight books (including 2 monographs and 6 co-authored pieces) and published more than 50 papers and articles. In recent years, her main research directions have been personal information protection, network information security, and other legal policies relating to data governance.
張湖月博士, 香港大學中國法研究中心主任
Dr. Angela Zhang, Director of the Centre for Chinese Law at the University of Hong Kong