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Regulating Generative Artificial Intelligence Conference


Regulating Generative Artificial Intelligence Conference


Date: 14 - 15 December 2023, Thursday & Friday 
日期: 2023年12月14-15日 (星期四 & 星期五)
Time: 09:00 – 17:30 
時間: 09:00 – 17:30

Venue: Academic Conference Room, 11/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, HKU
地點: 香港大學鄭裕彤教學樓 11樓 學術會議室

Simultaneous Translation from Chinese to English is provided on Dec 14, 2023


Programme Agenda

14 December 2023

08:30 – 09:00


09:00 – 09:10


Welcome Note

Hualing Fu (Warren Chan Professor in Human Rights and Responsibilities, Dean, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong)

09:10 – 09:30


Keynote Speech

Benedict Kingsbury (Murry and Ida Becker Professor of Law & Vice Dean, New York University)

Panel 1: Content Moderation Issues

Content moderation has taken center stage in China’s efforts to mitigate generative AI risks. Over the past decade, China has crafted a comprehensive regulatory framework to closely monitor online information, involving all key stakeholders in the internet ecosystem. What specific requirements does China’s content regulation impose on the AI industry? How have these requirements affected the operation of AI companies? How have Chinese regulators overseen AI-generated content? What steps are AI companies taking to balance content moderation with the need for high-quality, diverse training data to enhance AI performance?


- Ke Xu (Director of Digital Economy and Legal Innovation Research Center, University of International Business and Economics)

- Peng Zhang (Senior Public Policy Expert, ByteDance)

- Michael Veale (Associate Professor of Law, University College London)

- Zhuo Chen (Managing Partner, Ameba Capital)

09:30 – 10:45

[English &


11:15 – 12:30

[English &


Panel 2: Data Security and Compliance Issues

Ensuring data security and compliance is a major concern in both China’s Interim Measures on generative AI and the recently unveiled TC260’s draft standard for implementing the Interim Measures. What legal challenges and risks does generative AI pose to data security throughout the AI development cycle and value chain? What are the relevant administrative actions or litigations in China? How are Chinese AI firms adapting to data security compliance obligations, and what challenges do they face? What trends can we expect in the future concerning data security and AI in China?


- Weixing Shen (Professor of Law, Tsinghua University)

- Hongyu Fu (Deputy Director, Center of Data Economics, AliResearch)

- Jihong Chen (Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm)

- Thomas Streinz (Executive Director of Guarini Global Law & Tech, New York University)

Panel 3: Intellectual Property Protection Issues

Generative AI produces new content by analyzing patterns from existing data, which could involve materials protected by intellectual property rights. Within China’s IP legal framework, does training generative AI using IP-protected works constitute copyright infringement or fall under “fair use” exemptions? Can AI-generated content be copyrighted in China, and who may be entitled to such rights? Are there any judicial, administrative actions or legislative activities providing preliminary insights into these issues? What steps have AI companies taken to reduce IP infringement risks, and what do they perceive as the greatest challenges?


- Ping Zhang (Professor of Law, Peking University)

- Jing He (Partner, GEN Law Firm)

- Winnie Yeung (Director of Legal and Corporate Affairs, Microsoft)

- William Fisher (WilmerHale Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Harvard University)

14:30 – 15:45

[English &


16:15 – 17:30

[English &


Panel 4: Ethics Compliance

Generative AI raises numerous ethical concerns, many of which are addressed in China’s Interim Measures on regulating generative AI services. China has also been working on an ethical review system for science and technology. How has this ethical review system operated in practice, and what impact does it have on generative AI? Are there any additional regulatory efforts addressing ethical risks associated with generative AI? What have been the law enforcement actions in this area? How are Chinese AI companies working to ensure ethics compliance, and what challenges do they encounter in doing so?


- Weiwen Duan (Director & Professor, Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

- Jianfeng Cao (Senior Researcher, Tencent Research Institute)

- Nathalie Smuha (Assistant Professor of Law, KU Leuven)

- Marcelo Thompson (Assistant Professor of Law, The University of Hong Kong)

15 December 2023

09:10 – 09:30


Keynote Speech

John Tasioulas (Professor of Ethics and Legal Philosophy, Director of the Institute for Ethics in AI, Oxford University)

Panel 5: Latest Trends in Global AI Regulation

Governments worldwide are now taking increasing actions to regulate AI. President Biden signed a landmark executive order on AI safety and security in late October, while the EU is on track to finalize the AI Act. Japan, on the other hand, has yet to introduce comprehensive regulation to constrain the use of AI.  What are the distinct features of the US, EU and Japanese approaches to AI regulation? What are the advantages and limitations of the three regulatory approaches? What major challenges will regulators encounter while implementing these rules? How can companies effectively navigate the complex regulatory landscape in these markets?


- Thomas Streinz (Executive Director of Guarini Global Law & Tech, New York University)

- Michael Veale (Associate Professor of Law, University College London)

- Nathalie Smuha (Assistant Professor of Law, KU Leuven)

- Hiroki Habuka (Research Professor of Law, Kyoto University)

09:30 – 10:45


Panel 6: International Cooperation & Standard-Setting

As the risks of AI can go beyond borders, the call for international cooperation in AI governance is growing louder. In recent months, the G7 endorsed a set of AI guiding principles and codes of conduct, the United Nations formed an AI Advisory Board and the UK convened a summit on AI safety, signaling a global push for responsible AI governance. What are China’s ambitions in participating in global AI governance, and what efforts has China made to enhance its international presence? How can effective international cooperation on AI truly be achieved, and what roles could China potentially play in this process? How will standard setting contribute to harmonizing global efforts?


- Brian Tse (Founder and CEO, Concordia AI)

- Jiaqi Liu (Chief Expert on AI Governance and Industrial Policy, Strategic Study Center, Huawei)

- Kwan Yee Ng (Senior Program Manager, Concordia AI)

- Hiroki Habuka (Research Professor of Law, Kyoto University)

11:15 – 12:30




08:30 – 09:00


09:00 – 09:10



傅華伶 (香港大學法律學院陳志海基金講座教授,香港大學法律學院院長)

09:10 – 09:30



Benedict Kingsbury (紐約大學法學院教授,紐約大學法學院副院長)

09:30 – 10:45

[英文 & 普通話]


內容監管是中國對生成式人工智能進行規制的主要手段。 過去十年,中國建立了一套全面的網絡信息監管框架,涵蓋了互聯網生態系統中的所有主要利益相關方。 中國的內容監管對人工智能產業提出了哪些具體要求?這些要求對人工智能公司的運營將產生什麼影響?中國監管機構又如何實現對人工智能生成內容的監管?同時,人工智能公司正採取哪些措施來平衡內容合規與高質量、多樣化訓練數據的需求,以提升人工智能的性能?


許 可 (對外經濟貿易大學數字經濟與法律創新研究中心主任)

張 鵬 (字節跳動公共政策高級研究員)

Michael Veale (倫敦大學學院法學院副教授)

陳 卓 (阿米巴資本合夥人)

11:15 – 12:30

[英文 & 普通話]


確保數據安全與合規是《生成式人工智能暫行管理辦法》以及最近公佈的TC260實施《辦法》的標準草案的核心關注點。 在整個人工智能開發週期和價值鏈中,生成式人工智能對數據安全帶來了哪些法律挑戰和風險?中國是否已經出現相關的執法行動或訴訟?中國的人工智能企業如何適應數據安全合規義務,並面臨哪些挑戰?未來,中國數據安全和人工智能的發展趨勢將會是什麼?


申衛星 (清華大學法學院教授)

傅宏宇 (阿里研究院經濟研究中心副主任)

陳際紅 (中倫律師事務所合夥人)

Thomas Streinz (紐約大學Guarini 全球法律和科技中心執行主任)

14:30 – 15:45

[英文 & 普通話]


生成式人工智能通過分析訓練數據中的模式來生成新內容,而這些訓練數據可能包含受知識產權保護的信息。 在中國知識產權法律框架下,使用受版權保護的作品訓練人工智能是否構成侵權行為,還是屬於 “合理使用” 從而免責?人工智能生成的內容在中國能否獲得版權保護,誰又將享有這一權利?中國是否已有立法、司法或行政活動為這些問題提供初步解答?為了降低知識產權侵權風險,中國的人工智能公司採取了哪些措施,並面臨哪些主要挑戰?


張 平 (北京大學法學院教授)

何 菁 (己任律師事務所合夥人)

楊長華 (微軟大中華區公共及法律事務部總法律顧問)

William Fisher (哈佛大學法學院知識產權法教授)


生成式人工智能引發了許多倫理問題,這些風險擔憂也反映在了《生成式人工智能暫行管理辦法》的條款中。 與此同時,中國一直致力於建立科技倫理審查制度。 這一倫理審查制度在實踐中將如何運作,又將對生成式人工智能產生何種影響?中國政府是否還採取了其他措施來應對生成式人工智能的倫理挑戰?是否已經出現了相關的執法行動?此外,中國的人工智能企業如何確保遵循倫理規範,又面臨著哪些合規困難?


段偉文 (中國社會科學院哲學所科技哲學研究室主任、教授)

曹建峰 (騰訊研究院高級研究員)

Nathalie Smuha (魯汶天主教大學法學院助理教授)

Marcelo Thompson (香港大學法律學院助理教授)

16:15 – 17:30

[英文 & 普通話]


09:10 – 09:30



John Tasioulas (牛津大學倫理學與法哲學教授,人工智慧倫理學研究所所長)

09:30 – 10:45



全球各國政府目前正加大對人工智能的監管力度。 美國總統拜登於10月底簽署了一項具有里程碑意義的關於人工智能安全的行政命令,同時歐盟也有望敲定人工智能法案。 然而,日本尚未制定針對人工智能使用的全面法規。 美國、歐盟和日本在人工智能監管方面有何顯著特點?三種監管方法各自的優勢和局限性是什麼?在實施這些規則時,監管者將面臨哪些主要挑戰?企業又該如何有效應對這些市場複雜的監管環境?


Thomas Streinz (紐約大學Guarini 全球法律和科技中心執行主任)

Michael Veale (倫敦大學學院法學院副教授)

Nathalie Smuha (魯汶天主教大學法學院助理教授)

羽深宏樹 (京都大學法學部研究教授)

11:15 – 12:30



由於生成式人工智能的風險具有跨國性,人工智能治理國際合作的呼聲日益高漲。 近幾個月,世界見證了G7國家就人工智能國際指導原則和行為準則達成共識,聯合國成立新的人工智能諮詢委員會,以及英國主辦備受關注的人工智能安全峰會。 中國參與全球人工智能治理的目標是什麼?中國為提升國際影響力做出了哪些努力?如何才能真正實現有效的人工智能國際合作,而中國在這一過程中可以發揮哪些作用?此外,標準制定將如何有助於協調全球努力?


謝旻希 (安遠 AI 的創始人兼首席執行官)

柳嘉琪 (華為戰略研究院AI治理標準與產業發展首席專家)

吳君儀 (安遠AI高級項目經理)

羽深宏樹 (京都大學法學部研究教授)

Our speakers:

Chair 主持人

Angela Zhang is Director of the Philip K. H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law and Associate Professor of Law at The University of Hong Kong. An expert on Chinese law, Angela is a highly sought-after commentator on Chinese regulatory governance issues. An award-winning scholar, Angela’s first book, “Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism,” was named a Best Political Economy Book of the Year by ProMarket in 2021. Angela’s second book “High Wire: How China Regulates Big Tech and Governs Its Economy”  is expected to be released by the Oxford University Press in early 2024. Prior to joining academia, Angela practiced law for six years in the United States, Europe, and Asia. She received her LLB from Peking University and her LLM, JD, and JSD from the University of Chicago Law School. 

張湖月:香港大學黃乾亨中國法研究中心主任 , 香港大學法律學院副教授。 對中國監管治理問題的見解具有廣泛的影響力。 首部著作《Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism》榮獲2021年ProMarket評選的年度最佳政治經濟學圖書獎; 第二部著作《High Wire: How China Regulates Big Tech and Governs Its Economy》預計將於2024年初由牛津大學出版社出版。 曾在美國、歐洲和亞洲執業律師長達六年。 擁有北京大學法學學士學位,以及芝加哥大學法學碩士、法學博士(JD)和法律科學博士(JSD)學位。


Keynote Speakers 主題演講者

Benedict Kingsbury is Vice Dean and Murry and Ida Becker Professor of Law at NYU School of Law. He has directed the Institute for International Law and Justice since 2002, and is the Faculty Director of the Guarini Institute for Global Legal Studies and its Global Law and Tech initiative launched in 2018. He was also joint Editor-in-Chief of the century-old American Journal of International Law (2013-2018). His broad, theoretically grounded approach to international law closely integrates work in legal theory, political theory, and history. His current work focuses on planetary and space law and governance issues, infrastructures as regulation, and global data law and AI. He earned a first-class honor in his LLB from the University of Canterbury and topped his MPhil class in international relations at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. After completing his DPhil in law at Oxford, he has taught at prestigious universities worldwide.

Benedict Kingsbury:紐約大學法學院副院長、教授,同時擔任國際法和司法研究所所長以及Guarini全球法律研究所教務主任。 曾在2013至2018年間擔任悠久歷史的《美國國際法雜誌》聯合主編。 Kingsbury教授的國際法研究方法既廣泛又具有理論基礎,將法律理論、政治理論和歷史學緊密結合。 目前,他的研究興趣包括行星與太空的法律治理問題、基礎設施監管、全球數據法以及人工智能。 Kingsbury教授擁有坎特伯雷大學法學學士學位(一等榮譽)、牛津大學國際關係碩士學位(羅德學者)、牛津大學法學博士學位,曾在世界各地著名大學任教。


John Tasioulas is Professor of Ethics and Legal Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford, and inaugural Director of the Institute for Ethics in AI. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at Balliol College, Oxford. He received degrees in philosophy and law from the University of Melbourne and studied as a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford. He previously held posts at Glasgow, University College London, and King’s College London. He has held visiting positions at the Australian National University, the University of Chicago, Harvard University, the University of Notre Dame, and the University of Melbourne. He has acted as a consultant to the World Bank and is a member of the International Advisory Board, Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA), European Parliament. He is currently pursuing a project developing a humanistic ethics of AI, which is funded by Schmidt Futures’ AI2050 Program.

John Tasioulas:牛津大學哲學學院倫理學和法哲學教授,人工智能倫理學研究所首任所長,同時擔任牛津大學貝利奧爾學院的高級研究員。 Tasioulas教授在墨爾本大學獲得了哲學和法律學位,並以羅德學者身份在牛津大學繼續深造。 此後,他曾在格拉斯哥大學、倫敦大學學院和倫敦國王學院任職,同時還在澳大利亞國立大學、芝加哥大學、哈佛大學、聖母大學和墨爾本大學擔任過訪問學者。 他還曾擔任世界銀行顧問,並在歐洲議會科學技術未來小組(STOA)國際顧問委員會擔任成員。 目前,Tasioulas教授正致力於一個由Schmidt Futures的AI2050計劃資助的項目,旨在開發人工智智人文倫理。


Speakers 講者

Ke Xu is Associate Professor and Director of the Digital Economy and Legal Innovation Research Center at the University of International Business and Economics. He also serves as the Deputy Director of the Fintech and Internet Security Research Center at Renmin University of China, a Member of the Global Economic Governance 50 Forum, and a Member of the Secretariat of the World Data Governance and Cyber Security Research Alliance. He has contributed to the drafting of network policies and regulations for the Legal Work Committee of the National People’s Congress and the Central Cyberspace Administration on multiple occasions, as well as having participated in related seminars. With over 60 published papers in top journals such as Chinese Social Sciences, he is also a columnist for FT China Net and Caijing Net.

許可:對外經濟貿易大學法學院副教授、惠園優青學者,數字經濟與法律創新研究中心主任。 兼任中國人民大學金融科技與互聯網安全研究中心副主任、全球經濟治理50人論壇成員、世界數據治理和網絡安全研究聯盟秘書處成員等。 多次參與全國人大法工委、中央網信辦等部門網絡政策法規的起草和論證,在《中國社會科學》等期刊發表論文60餘篇,同時還是FT中網、財經網專欄作者。

Patrick Peng Zhang is Senior Public Policy Expert at ByteDance. He is also a non-resident senior fellow of the Shanghai Association of Artificial Intelligence and Social Development (SAASD) and a fellow of the Digital Economy and Law Innovation Research Center of the University of International Business and Economics of China (UIBE). He is a Certified Information Security Professional (CISP-DSG) registered at the China Information Technology Security Evaluation Center and a Data Compliance Officer certified by the China Cybersecurity Review Technology and Certification Center (CCRC-DCO). Prior to ByteDance, he worked in the Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, where he contributed to various cyberspace policies and laws while participating in multiple international cyberspace rulemaking negotiations as a key member of the Chinese government delegation. His research focuses on the intersection of technology, geopolitics, and law, with numerous published papers and articles.

張鵬:字節跳動公共政策高級研究員。 兼任上海市人工智能與社會發展研究會高級研究員、對外經貿大學數字經濟與法律創新研究中心研究員。 中國信息安全測評中心註冊數據安全治理專業人員(CISP-DSG)、中國網絡安全審查技術與認證中心註冊數據合規官(CCRC- DCO)。 曾在中國外交部條約法律司工作,參與多項網絡空間相關政策立法起草與審查,並作為中國政府代表團核心成員參與一系列雙多邊國際談判。 研究聚焦技術產業與地緣政治、法律的交叉領域,曾在《中國應用法學》《中國國際法年刊》《中國信息安全》《信息安全通訊與保密》等發表多篇論文和文章。

Michael veale.gif

Michael Veale is Associate Professor in digital rights and regulation, and Vice-Dean (Education Innovation) at University College London’s Faculty of Laws. His research focusses on how to understand and address challenges of power and justice that digital technologies and their users create and exacerbate, in areas such as privacy-enhancing technologies and machine learning. This work is regularly cited by legislators, regulators and governments, and Dr Veale has consulted for a range of policy organizations including the Royal Society and British Academy, the Law Society of England and Wales, the European Commission, and the Commonwealth Secretariat. Dr Veale holds a PhD from UCL, a MSc from Maastricht University and a BSc from LSE.

Michael Veale:倫敦大學法學院副院長(教育創新)、數字權利與監管副教授。 研究側重於理解並應對數字技術及其用戶引發和加劇的權力與正義挑戰,特別關注隱私增強技術和機器學習等領域。 他的工作經常受到立法者、監管者和政府引用,Veale博士還為包括英國皇家學會、英國科學院、英格蘭和威爾士律師協會、歐盟委員會、英聯邦秘書處在內的多個政策組織提供諮詢。 他擁有倫敦大學博士學位、馬斯特里赫特大學碩士學位和倫敦經濟學院學士學位。

Zhuo Chen.gif

Arthur Chen is Partner at Ameba Capital with extensive experience in investments, operations, legal compliance, and capital markets. He has successfully led and managed transactions worth over $2 billion across various sectors. Before joining Ameba, Chen held the position of Managing Director at Fosun, where he also served as the UK Chief Representative. Additionally, he was Vice President at Yingli Green Energy and began his career as a corporate lawyer at Fried Frank LLP, a renowned Wall Street law firm. Chen holds B.A./LL.B. degrees from Peking University, an LL.M. degree from Harvard Law School, and an M.B.A. degree from IMD.

陳卓:阿米巴資本合夥人。 在併購、運營、合規、資本市場領域有多年中國和海外工作經驗,操盤多個大型併購和股權投資專案,累計投資金額超20億美元。 在加入阿米巴前,陳卓曾擔任複星集團投資董事總經理和英國首代,英利太陽能副總裁,並曾在華爾街律師事務所Fried Frank LLP 擔任併購和資本市場律師。 他擁有北京大學法學和國際關係雙學士學位,哈佛法學院碩士學位和瑞士洛桑國際管理學院工商管理碩士學位。


Marcelo Thompson is Assistant Professor of Law at The University of Hong Kong. Marcelo’s core research interests lie in the intersection between law, political theory and the study of technological change. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in renowned publications globally and has been cited with approval by the Supreme Court of Brazil. Marcelo earned his PhD from the University of Oxford’s Oxford Internet Institute, an LLM in Law and Technology from the University of Ottawa, and an LLB from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Before resuming his academic career, he gained extensive experience as a practicing attorney.

Marcelo Thompson:香港大學法律學院助理教授,主要關注法律、政治理論和技術變革的交匯點。 他的研究成果在全球知名刊物上發表,並獲得巴西最高法院的認可。 他在牛津大學互聯網研究院取得博士學位,獲得渥太華大學法律與技術法學碩士學位,並在里約熱內盧天主教大學完成法學學士學位。 此外,他曾作為執業律師積累了豐富的經驗。

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Weixing Shen is Professor of Law at Tsinghua University. He has been a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School (2009) and an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (2015-2016). In 2014, he received the Seventh Award for “National Top Ten Outstanding Young Jurists.” He holds numerous leadership positions within various legal societies, including Executive Council Member of the Civil Law Research Association of China Law Society, Vice President of the Property Law Research Association of Beijing Law Society, and Vice President of the China Cyber and Information Law Society. He is a Member of the Chinese Law Society’s Civil Code Property Volume Codification Group, the AI Industry Alliance’s first Expert Committee, the MIIT’s Expert Committee for Telecommunication Economy, and a Legal Adviser for MIIT and the Ministry of Transport.

申衛星:清華大學法學院教授、博士生導師。 美國哈佛大學富布萊特訪問學者(2009),德國洪堡學者(2015),第七屆“全國十大傑出青年法學家”(2014)。 學術兼任中國法學會民法學研究會常務理事、北京市法學會物權法研究會常務副會長、中國法學會網絡與信息法學研究會副會長。 中國法學會民法典物權編編纂小組成員、中國人工智能產業發展聯盟第一屆專家委員會委員、工業和信息化部信息通信經濟專家委員會委員及法律顧問、交通運輸部法律顧問。

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Hongyu Fu is Deputy Director and Senior Research Expert at the Digital Economy Center of Alibaba Research Institute. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in both Biology and Economics, as well as a Master of Laws from Peking University, he further pursued a doctoral degree in law in the United States. As a former Associate Professor of Law with experience in legal practice in both China and the United States, Fu’s research focuses on the intersection of technology and society, covering topics such as algorithm governance and data policy. He is dedicated to addressing the digital divide by applying AI governance theories to real-world scenarios.

傅宏宇:阿里研究院數據經濟研究中心副主任、高級研究專家。 北大生物、經濟學士、法學碩士,美國法學博士。 從理論(法學副教授)+實務(中、美律師執業)角度研究演算法治理、數據政策等科技與社會交界前沿問題,致力於彌合數字鴻溝,搭建AI治理理論與實踐間的橋樑。

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Jihong Chen is Partner at Zhong Lun Law Firm. He is a pioneer in China’s cybersecurity and data compliance sector, and has provided outstanding legal services to numerous large international and domestic enterprises, earning many accolades within the legal profession. Chen has been selected as an expert in the National Intellectual Property Expert Database, and has long participated in many legislative discussions and consulting work related to cybersecurity, data protection, and intellectual property rights. He also holds several prominent social positions: Deputy Director of the Network and High-Tech Committee of the National Lawyers Association, Executive Director of the Network and Information Law Research Association of China Law Society, Member of the Data Security Professional Committee of China Computer Industry Association, and Member of the New Retail and Live E-commerce Expert Committee of the Development Research Center of the State Administration for Market Regulation, etc.

陳際紅:中倫律師事務所合夥人。 國內網絡安全與數據合規業務的開拓者之一,為眾多的國際和國內大型企業提供了優秀的法律服務,曾獲得多項律師界榮譽。 陳律師入選國家知識產權專家庫專家,長期參與多部與網絡安全、數據保護、知識產權相關的立法研討和諮詢工作。 擔任的社會職務還包括:全國律師協會網絡與高新技術委員會副主任、中國法學會網絡與信息法學研究會常務理事、中國計算機行業協會數據安全專業委員會委員、國家市場監管總局發展研究中心新零售和直播電商專家委員會委員等。


Thomas Streinz is the Executive Director of Guarini Global Law & Tech, Adjunct Professor of Law at NYU Law, and Fellow at the Institute for International Law and Justice (IILJ). He works on internet governance (ICANN), regulation of the global data economy (MegaReg), and global law and technology. Dr. Streinz has earned a PhD in Law and an LLB from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, as well as an LLM from the NYU School of Law. His prior work experience includes roles in Noerr LLP and government bodies such as the European Commission.

Thomas Streinz:紐約大學法學院Guarini 全球法律和科技中心執行主任、客席教授,同時在國際法和司法研究所擔任研究員。 專注於互聯網治理、全球數據經濟監管以及全球法律和技術領域的研究。 Streinz博士在慕尼黑大學獲得法學學士和法學博士學位,並在紐約大學法學院獲得法學碩士學位。 此外,他曾在諾爾律師事務所以及歐盟委員會等政府機構擔任職位。

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Ping Zhang is Professor of Law at Peking University and Executive Director of the Greater Bay Area Intellectual Property Development Research Institute. She also serves as the Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of the China Science and Technology Law Society, Vice President of the Intellectual Property Law Research Society of the China Law Society, and Expert at the Online Dispute Resolution Center of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. Focusing on IP law, internet law, personal information protection law, open-source community rules, and standard essential patents. Professor Zhang has made significant contributions to national mid-term and long-term science and technology development planning research. She has also led numerous national key research projects covering technological innovation and IP strategy, basic Internet legislation, data factor market establishment and legal governance.

張平:北京大學法學院教授,北京大學粵港澳大灣區知識產權發展研究院執行院長。 兼任中國科學技術法學會常務副會長兼秘書長、中國法學會知識產權法研究會副會長、中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會網上爭議解決中心專家等職位。 重點研究領域包括知識產權法、互聯網法、個人信息保護法,開源社區規則及標準必要專利等問題。 曾參加國家中長期科技發展規劃研究;主持科技創新與知識產權戰略研究、互聯網基礎立法、數據要素市場建制與法律治理等多項國家重點研究項目。

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Jing He is Partner at GEN Law Firm with over 20 years of experience in handling IP litigation, antitrust, policy advocacy, and compliance matters. He began his legal career as a patent attorney in Silicon Valley and spent approximately 9 years at a major international law firm before establishing his private practice in China. He is often consulted by major industrial associations on China’s legal and policy matters and was the key consultant for a U.S.-China Intellectual Property Dialogue. He also serves as the Executive Director of the Beijing Zhongguancun (ZGC) Intellectual Property Strategy Research Institute and leads their policy programs. In addition, he is an appointed advisor for the LLM program at Peking University School of IP and Secretary General of the Sports IP Committee of the China IP Law Society.

何菁:己任律師事務所合夥人,擁有20多年處理知識產權訴訟、反壟斷、政策宣導和合規事務的經驗。 在來中國執業之前,他曾在一家國際律師事務所工作多年。 何菁律師經常就中國的法律和政策問題接受主要行業協會的諮詢,並且擔任“中美知識產權對話”活動的主要顧問。 他同時是北京中關村知識產權戰略研究院執行院長並領導其政策項目。 此外,何菁律師還擔任北京大學知識產權學院法學碩士課程顧問、中國知識產權法學會體育知識產權專業委員會秘書長。

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Winnie Yeung is Chief Legal Counsel of Microsoft’s Corporate External and Legal Affairs team for the Greater China Region (GCR).  She provides support to Microsoft’s sales and business operations in the region and collaborates with customers on the cutting edge of business, legal and regulatory issues to help drive their digital transformation. Prior to her current role, she was the General Manager of the Commercial Legal team for GCR, as well as the Lead Counsel for Microsoft Hong Kong. Before joining Microsoft, Yeung was with the law firm Baker & McKenzie in Hong Kong, specializing in IT licensing, intellectual property rights and privacy protection. She is accredited as a solicitor in Hong Kong and England and Wales. Yeung is an HKU graduate and also holds an MBA from the University of Toronto.

楊長華:微軟大中華區公共及法律事務部總法律顧問,為微軟在該地區的銷售和業務運營提供支援,並在業務、法律和法規問題的前沿與客戶合作,以幫助其實現數字化轉型。 在擔任現職之前,曾擔任微軟大中華區商業法律團隊的總經理,同時也是微軟香港的首席律師。 在加入微軟之前,曾在香港貝克•麥堅時國際律師事務所工作,專門負責信息技術許可、知識產權和隱私保護。 畢業於香港大學法學院,具備香港、英格蘭和威爾士的律師資格,同時擁有多倫多大學的 MBA 學位。

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William W. Fisher is WilmerHale Professor of Intellectual Property Law at Harvard Law School and Faculty Director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. His primary research and teaching areas are intellectual property law and legal history. He received his undergraduate degree (in American Studies) from Amherst College and his graduate degrees (J.D. and Ph.D. in the History of American Civilization) from Harvard University. Between 1982 and 1984, he served as a law clerk to Judge Harry T. Edwards of the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit and then to Justice Thurgood Marshall of the United States Supreme Court. His academic honors include a Danforth Postbaccalaureate Fellowship (1978-1982) and a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in Stanford, California (1992-1993).

William W. Fisher:哈佛大學法學院教授,同時擔任Berkman Klein互聯網與社會研究中心的教務主任。 主要研究和教學領域包括知識產權法和法律史。 Fisher教授在阿默斯特學院獲得美國研究本科學位,並在哈佛大學獲得美國文明史博士學位。 1982 年至 1984 年間,他曾先後擔任美國華盛頓特區巡迴上訴法院法官 Harry T. Edwards 和美國最高法院法官 Thurgood Marshall 的法律助理。 他的學術榮譽包括丹福斯學士后獎學金(1978-1982)和加利福尼亞州斯坦福行為科學高級研究中心博士後獎學金(1992-1993)。

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Weiwen Duan is Director and Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology at the Institute of Philosophy within the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). He also holds positions as a Distinguished Professor at the CAST-FDU Institute of Technology Ethics for Human Future and as the Director of the Research Center for Science, Technology and Society at CASS. Recognized as a special allowance expert by the State Council of China, Professor Duan has been a visiting scholar at both Oxford University and the University of Pittsburgh, and was a Berggruen China Center Fellow from 2020 to 2021. Professor Duan holds several prominent positions, such as Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Big Data Experts of China, Standing Member of the Committee on Ethics and Professional Conduct of China Computer Federation, Advisory Member of Meituan’s AI Governance Committee, and Advisory Board Member of Ant Group’s Technology Ethics Committee.

段偉文:中國社科院哲學所科技哲學研究室主任、教授,中國科協-復旦大學科技倫理與人類未來研究院特聘教授,中國社科院科學技術和社會研究中心主任,享受國務院特殊津貼專家,牛津大學、匹茲堡大學等訪問學者,博古睿學者(2020-2021)。 兼任中國大數據專家委員會副主任委員,中國計算機學會職業倫理與學術道德委員會常務委員,美團人工智慧治理委員會顧問委員,螞蟻集團科技倫理委員會顧問委員等職。


Jianfeng Cao is Senior Researcher at Tencent Research Institute. He also serves as Visiting Professor at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Distinguished Researcher at the Digital Rule of Law Institute of East China University of Political Science and Law, Member of the AI Ethics and Governance Working Committee of the China AI Society, and Director of the Information and Communication Law Research Association of Guangdong Law Society. With a long-standing engagement in policy, law, and social ethics research related to cutting-edge internet technology and the digital economy, he has been invited to participate in and present at top domestic and international AI conferences. He has been at the forefront of planning and authoring numerous prominent industry research reports and books, as well as publishing hundreds of papers and articles across a range of journals and media outlets.

曹建峰:騰訊研究院高級研究員。 兼任上海政法學院客座教授、華東政法大學數字法治研究院特聘研究員、中國人工智能學會人工智能倫理與治理工委會委員、廣東省法學會信息通信法學研究會理事等社會職務。 長期從事互聯網前沿技術與數字經濟相關的政策、法律、社會倫理研究,多次受邀參加AI領域的國內外頂級會議並作報告。 牽頭策劃、撰寫、編譯了一系列知名的行業研究報告與著作,在各類期刊媒體上發表論文和文章上百篇。


Nathalie Smuha is a legal scholar and philosopher at the KU Leuven Faculty of Law. She is a member of the Leuven.AI Institute and the Digital Society Institute. Her research focuses particularly on the impact of AI on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Currently, she is taking up an Emile Noël Fellowship at NYU Law. She coordinated the work of the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on AI, and she was a scientific expert in the Council of Europe’s (Ad Hoc) Committee on AI which is developing a new AI Convention. She is also a member of both the UNESCO Expert Group on AI and the Futures of Learning and the OECD's Network of Experts on AI. She earned a PhD in Law and an MA in Philosophy from KU Leuven, as well as an LLM from the University of Chicago Law School.

Nathalie Smuha:魯汶大學法學院的法律學者和哲學家,Leuven.AI 研究所和數字社會研究所成員。 她的研究重點在於人工智能對人權、民主和法治的影響。 目前,她是紐約大學法學院埃米爾·諾爾訪問學者。 Smuha博士曾參與協調歐盟委員會人工智能高級別專家組的工作,並擔任歐洲委員會人工智能委員會的科學專家。 此外,她還是聯合國教科文組織人工智能與未來學習專家組以及經濟合作與發展組織人工智能專家網絡的成員。 Smuha博士在魯汶大學獲得了法學博士學位和哲學碩士學位,並在芝加哥大學獲得了法學碩士學位。

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Hiroki Habuka is a research professor at Kyoto University, Graduate School of Law, visiting associate professor at the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Law and Politics, and the CEO of Smart Governance Inc. Hiroki led several projects on digital governance when he worked for METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), which covered AI safety, privacy protection, data security, and digital platform regulation. He served as a lead author of white papers on agile governance issued by METI, “Governance Innovation” and “Agile Governance Update”. In 2020, he was selected by the World Economic Forum Global Future Councils on Agile Governance and Apolitical as one of the World’s 50 Most Influential People Revolutionizing Government (Agile 50). Hiroki received a master’s degree from Stanford Law School (LLM, Fulbright Fellow), and a Juris Doctor’s degree from the University of Tokyo Law School, and is qualified to practice law in Japan and New York State.

羽深宏樹:京都大學法學部研究教授、東京大學法學部客座副教授,同時擔任Smart Governance公司首席執行官。 在日本經濟產業省(METI)任職期間,Hiroki教授領導了多個涉及人工智能安全、隱私保護、數據安全和數字平台監管的數字治理項目。 他是日本經濟產業省發佈的《治理創新》和《敏捷治理最新進展》白皮書的主要作者。 2020年,世界經濟論壇敏捷治理與非政治性全球未來理事會評選他為全球50名最具影響力的政府革命者之一。 Hiroki教授擁有斯坦福大學法學碩士學位(富布賴特學者)和東京大學法學博士學位,具備美國紐約州和日本的律師執業資格。


Brian Tse is Founder and CEO of Concordia AI, a Beijing-based social enterprise focused on AI safety and governance. He is also a Policy Affiliate at the Centre for the Governance of AI. Previously, Brian was Senior Advisor to the Partnership on AI. He also served on the program committee of AI safety workshops at AAAI, IJCAI, and ICFEM. He was part of the UNICRI-INTERPOL expert group on Responsible AI Innovation Toolkit for Law Enforcement, and a founding member of the AI for SDGs Cooperation Network at the Beijing Academy of AI.



Jiaqi Liu is Chief Expert of AI Governance Industry Development at the Institute of Strategic Research, Huawei. Since August 2021, he has been responsible for AI governance strategy, industrial cooperation, and standardization. Mr. Liu earned his degree in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2005 and subsequently joined Huawei. Throughout his career, he has held various roles in R&D, Strategy, and Business Development, accumulating extensive experience in the ICT industry. From August 2018 to July 2021, Mr. Liu held the position of COO at Huawei’s Munich Research Center.

柳嘉琪:華為戰略研究院人工智能治理產業發展首席專家。 自2021年8月以來,負責與人工智能治理相關的戰略、產業合作、標準化。 柳先生於2005年畢業於清華大學電子工程系,後加入華為。 他曾在研發、戰略和產業發展領域擔任過多個重要職位,在ICT行業獲得了豐富的經驗。 2018年8月至2021年7月擔任華為慕尼克研究所首席運營官。

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Kwan Yee Ng is Senior Program Manager at Concordia AI, where she leads projects to promote international cooperation on AI safety and governance. She previously worked with Professor Wang Jisi at the PKU Institute for International and Strategic Studies on numerous research projects and prior to that, she was a research fellow at Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute. Kwan Yee received a master’s degree from Peking University as a Yenching Scholar.

吳君儀:安遠AI公司高級項目經理,負責領導推進人工智能安全與治理國際合作項目。 曾與北京大學國際與戰略研究院的王緝思教授合作開展多個研究項目。 在此之前,曾擔任牛津大學人類未來研究所的研究員,並以燕京學者的身份在北京大學獲得碩士學位。

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